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(1) Searching for "2022112109343519876" in Archived Documents Library (TED-ADL)

Ausschreibung: Regelbare Stromversorgung - DE-Darmstadt
Regelbare Stromversorgung
Elektrizitätsverteilungs- und -schalteinrichtungen
Dokument Nr...: 645114-2022 (ID: 2022112109343519876)
Veröffentlicht: 21.11.2022
  DE-Darmstadt: Regelbare Stromversorgung
   2022/S 224/2022 645114
   Richtlinie 2014/24/EU
   Abschnitt I: Öffentlicher Auftraggeber
   I.1)Name und Adressen
   Offizielle Bezeichnung: FAIR - Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research
   in Europe GmbH
   Postanschrift: Planckstr. 1
   Ort: Darmstadt
   NUTS-Code: DE711 Darmstadt, Kreisfreie Stadt
   Postleitzahl: 64291
   Land: Deutschland
   E-Mail: [6]proekf35@gsi.de
   Telefon: +49 6159711998
   Fax: +49 6159713983
   Hauptadresse: [7]http://www.fair-center.de
   Die Auftragsunterlagen stehen für einen uneingeschränkten und
   vollständigen direkten Zugang gebührenfrei zur Verfügung unter:
   Weitere Auskünfte erteilen/erteilt die oben genannten Kontaktstellen
   Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge sind einzureichen elektronisch via:
   I.4)Art des öffentlichen Auftraggebers
   Andere: large scale research lab
   Andere Tätigkeit: research
   Abschnitt II: Gegenstand
   II.1)Umfang der Beschaffung
   II.1.1)Bezeichnung des Auftrags:
   SFRS Type 1 nc Power Converters
   Referenznummer der Bekanntmachung: 35/50090337FAIR
   II.1.2)CPV-Code Hauptteil
   31156000 Regelbare Stromversorgung
   II.1.3)Art des Auftrags
   II.1.4)Kurze Beschreibung:
   In the SFRS project, power supplies are required for the normally
   conducting magnets.
   In total there are 8 power supplies with output currents from 640A to
   The accuracy of these devices goes from 10ppm to 100ppm.
   II.1.5)Geschätzter Gesamtwert
   II.1.6)Angaben zu den Losen
   Aufteilung des Auftrags in Lose: nein
   II.2.2)Weitere(r) CPV-Code(s)
   31200000 Elektrizitätsverteilungs- und -schalteinrichtungen
   31214000 Schaltanlagen
   NUTS-Code: DE711 Darmstadt, Kreisfreie Stadt
   Hauptort der Ausführung:
   FAIR - Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe GmbH
   Planckstr. 1 64291 Darmstadt
   II.2.4)Beschreibung der Beschaffung:
   In the SFRS project, the power supplies are required for the normally
   conducting magnets.
   In total there are 8 power supplies with output currents from 640A to
   The accuracy of these devices goes from 10ppm to 100ppm.
   Der Preis ist nicht das einzige Zuschlagskriterium; alle Kriterien sind
   nur in den Beschaffungsunterlagen aufgeführt
   II.2.6)Geschätzter Wert
   II.2.7)Laufzeit des Vertrags, der Rahmenvereinbarung oder des
   dynamischen Beschaffungssystems
   Laufzeit in Monaten: 20
   Dieser Auftrag kann verlängert werden: nein
   II.2.10)Angaben über Varianten/Alternativangebote
   Varianten/Alternativangebote sind zulässig: nein
   II.2.11)Angaben zu Optionen
   Optionen: nein
   II.2.13)Angaben zu Mitteln der Europäischen Union
   Der Auftrag steht in Verbindung mit einem Vorhaben und/oder Programm,
   das aus Mitteln der EU finanziert wird: nein
   II.2.14)Zusätzliche Angaben
   Abschnitt III: Rechtliche, wirtschaftliche, finanzielle und technische
   III.1.1)Befähigung zur Berufsausübung einschließlich Auflagen
   hinsichtlich der Eintragung in einem Berufs- oder Handelsregister
   Auflistung und kurze Beschreibung der Bedingungen:
   - Self-declaration of suitability pursuant to Sections 123, 124 GWB (To
   be submitted with the participation request by means of
   self-declaration): Self-declaration of possessing the knowledge
   pursuant to Sections 123, 124 GWB is incorrect and that the cases
   mentioned therein do not apply - FAIR preprinted form
   - With the information asked for on the FAIR preprinted form, the
   number of employees over the previous three years - on the FAIR
   preprinted form under Company presentation"
   - Information on overall revenues and order-specific revenue
   Declaration of the total company turnover and the turnover in relation
   to the particular type of service to which the award relates, in both
   cases, in relation to the last 3 financial years - on the FAIR
   preprinted form under Company presentation.
   III.1.2)Wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Leistungsfähigkeit
   Auflistung und kurze Beschreibung der Eignungskriterien:
   - Creditworthiness check (To be submitted with on request of
   contracting authority by means of third party confirmation): Carried
   out by FAIR GmbH as part of the suitability check.
   - Proof of compulsory commercial/professional liability insurance (To
   be submitted with the participation request by means of
   self-declaration): Information about the insurance provider and the
   amount of coverage on the FAIR preprinted form
   Möglicherweise geforderte Mindeststandards:
   "Advance payments required within the realm of a contract to be
   concluded (down payments) shall only be paid upon the presentation of
   an unlimited suretyship with assumption by principal debtor.
   As a general rule, FAIR GmbH only accepts suretyships which meet the
   following minimum conditions:
   - Guarantees with debts owed as a principal debtor waiving the defence
   of §§ 770, 771 BGB
   - only suretyships under German law
   - suretyships are irrevocable
   - free of charge for FAIR GmbH
   - issued by a reputable international, preferably European bank
   - usually for an indefinite period or a period linked to the date
   ownership transfer took place
   III.1.3)Technische und berufliche Leistungsfähigkeit
   Auflistung und kurze Beschreibung der Eignungskriterien:
   - Description of reference projects (To be submitted with the
   participation request by means of self-declaration): Description of
   three comparable reference projects, including the project data asked
   for on the FAIR preprinted form.
   - Certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001 (or comparable
   Möglicherweise geforderte Mindeststandards:
   Form References, with the following minimum requirements for the
   -the design and manufacture of power supply units and control cabinets
   with power electronic components (semiconductor modules,
   inductive/capacitive components).
   -with the manufacture of devices with input powers >50kVA or output
   currents of min. 600A.
   -The references should be described in such detail that the
   corresponding knowledge is expressed in a comprehensible way (e.g. also
   with corresponding pictures).
   If the suitability cannot be proven beyond doubt by the references,
   this will lead to exclusion from the procedure.
   III.2)Bedingungen für den Auftrag
   III.2.2)Bedingungen für die Ausführung des Auftrags:
   Supporting documents:
   - Act Regulating a General Minimum Wage (Mindestlohngesetz - MiLoG) (To
   be submitted with the participation request by means of
   self-declaration): Declaration as per Section 19 (3) MiLoG - FAIR
   preprinted form
   - Proofs for subcontractors (To be submitted with the participation
   request by means of self-declaration): "The name and address of each
   intended subcontractor must be given when submitting the tender.
   Each subcontractor used must meet the same suitability criteria as the
   primary contractor. Suitable proof for each subcontractor must be
   The subcontractor must also submit
   - A declaration of availability (see Declaration of availability
   preprinted form) together with the request to participate/tender. -
   FAIR preprinted form"
   - Participation - General declaration within the meaning of Section
   126b (German Civil Code -BGB) (To be submitted with the participation
   request by means of self-declaration): General declaration of the
   person making the declaration within the meaning of Section 126b BGB.
   If the person making the declaration is not named in the request to
   participate, the request to participate will be deemed to have not been
   - Russia sanctions - Declaration on Regulation (EU) 833/2014 (To be
   submitted with the participation request by means of self-declaration):
   On 08.04.2022, the Council of the European Union adopted Regulation
   (EU) 2022/576 amending Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 concerning
   restrictive measures in view of Russia's actions destabilising the
   situation in Ukraine. This entered into force on 09.04.2022. As a
   regulation, it has direct legal effect in the member states and has a
   direct impact on the
   award of public contracts and concessions.
   Abschnitt IV: Verfahren
   IV.1.3)Angaben zur Rahmenvereinbarung oder zum dynamischen
   IV.1.4)Angaben zur Verringerung der Zahl der Wirtschaftsteilnehmer oder
   Lösungen im Laufe der Verhandlung bzw. des Dialogs
   Abwicklung des Verfahrens in aufeinander folgenden Phasen zwecks
   schrittweiser Verringerung der Zahl der zu erörternden Lösungen bzw. zu
   verhandelnden Angebote
   IV.1.5)Angaben zur Verhandlung
   IV.1.8)Angaben zum Beschaffungsübereinkommen (GPA)
   Der Auftrag fällt unter das Beschaffungsübereinkommen: ja
   IV.2.2)Schlusstermin für den Eingang der Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge
   Tag: 19/12/2022
   Ortszeit: 10:00
   IV.2.3)Voraussichtlicher Tag der Absendung der Aufforderungen zur
   Angebotsabgabe bzw. zur Teilnahme an ausgewählte Bewerber
   Tag: 19/01/2023
   IV.2.4)Sprache(n), in der (denen) Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge
   eingereicht werden können:
   Abschnitt VI: Weitere Angaben
   VI.1)Angaben zur Wiederkehr des Auftrags
   Dies ist ein wiederkehrender Auftrag: nein
   VI.2)Angaben zu elektronischen Arbeitsabläufen
   Aufträge werden elektronisch erteilt
   Die elektronische Rechnungsstellung wird akzeptiert
   Die Zahlung erfolgt elektronisch
   VI.3)Zusätzliche Angaben:
   The only form of submission of participation applications accepted by
   Awarding Authority is in writing, electronically
   Note: In Writing, Electronically
   Participation applications shall be submitted electronically within the
   deadline via the German awarding platform DTVP.
   URL: [10]http://www.dtvp.de/Center/
   The forms and other documents to be completed, provided by FAIR, may be
   - either completed on the online tendering tool under the section
   "Documents to Be Completed" or
   - created and compiled separately by Candidate together with the other
   components of the participation application or tender (concepts or
   explanations etc.), then uploaded under the heading "Own Documents".
   However, Candidates should not fill in the forms online and upload them
   again separately, as this can result in transmission errors and
   increases the workload on both sides.
   In order to comply with the text form (in writing) according to § 126b
   BGB [transl.: German Civil Code] when submitting participation
   applications, Candidates must provide the following information:
   - In the case of natural persons, the full name (first name and
   surname) must be given (name of the declaring person in the
   participation application form).
   - In the case of legal entities and commercial companies and
   corporations, the name of the company and its legal form must be
   stated. In addition, the full name of the employee who is submitting
   the participation application on behalf of the company (name of the
   declaring person in the participation application form) must be stated.
   The insertion of a company logo is not sufficient.
   - In the case of Bidding Consortia, the declaring person according to §
   126b BGB shall be the employee of the leading member who submits the
   participation application on behalf of the Bidding Consortium; besides,
   the form "Bidding Consortium Declaration" must be submitted.
   It should be noted that in the case of electronic submission, the text
   form according to § 126b BGB is only observed if the participation
   applications are transmitted in encrypted form via the awarding
   platform (cf. information on eVergabe). Submitting the participation
   application via email is not sufficient.
   In the case of incorrect/ incomplete information that violates the
   aforementioned formal requirements, participation applications will be
   excluded unless Candidate cannot be held responsible (§ 57 para. 1 nr.
   1, para. 3 VgV).
   Note: Weighting
   50 % price
   50 % performance criteria
   The criteria in detail are:
   Concept for design solution, production flow planning and quality
   assurance: 70%
   Delivery Schedule: 30%
   Note: Communication with Canditates
   Communication with Candidates takes place via the DTVP's tender
   platform. Questions must be sent to FAIR via DTVP and will are answered
   via DTVP. Questions posed orally or by telephone regarding the
   documents or the contractual object will not be answered; answers given
   orally or by telephone are not binding.
   Note: Electronic Invoicing
   "The Invoicing format is accepted with additional transmission of the
   invoice as a -pdf-."
   Bekanntmachungs-ID: CXS0YYEYRTM
   VI.4.1)Zuständige Stelle für Rechtsbehelfs-/Nachprüfungsverfahren
   Offizielle Bezeichnung: Vergabekammer des Bundes
   Postanschrift: Villemomblerstr. 76
   Ort: Bonn
   Postleitzahl: 53123
   Land: Deutschland
   VI.4.3)Einlegung von Rechtsbehelfen
   Genaue Angaben zu den Fristen für die Einlegung von Rechtsbehelfen:
   The competent investigating authority is as follows
   Vergabekammer des Bundes
   Villemombler Str. 76
   D-53123 Bonn, Germany
   Tel.: 0228 9499-0
   Fax: 0228 9499-163
   Email: [11]vk@bundeskartellamt.bund.de
   The applicant is requested to clearly identify those parts of the
   request to participate (and any subsequent bid) containing
   company/business secrets. If this does not happen, the public
   procurement tribunal will assume consent to inspect the documents as
   required in the case of carrying out a review procedure (Section 165
   (3) Act against Restraints of Competition (Competition Act - GWB)). As
   the awarding authority, FAIR is required to provide the public
   procurement tribunal with immediate access to the files when a review
   procedure is initiated (Section 163 (2) sentence 3 GWB).
   Applicants/bidders have the right to demand that the Contracting
   authority comply with the provisions on the award procedure protecting
   bidders (Section 97 (6) GWB). Applicants/bidders with an interest in
   the public contract who believe their rights have been violated by
   non-compliance with the provisions governing the awarding of public
   contracts, must raise an objection about the violation to FAIR within
   ten calendar days (Section 160 (3) sentence 1 no. 1 GWB).
   Violations known from the tender notice or tender documents must be
   claimed vis-a-vis FAIR before the time limit given for submission of
   applications (offers) (Section 160 (3) 1 No. 2 - 3 GWB).
   If FAIR informs the applicant/bidder that it is unwilling to redress
   the objection, an application for review may then be filed with the
   public procurement tribunal above within 15 days of receipt of the
   notification (Section 160 (3) sentence 1 no. 4 GWB).
   Bidders whose bids are not to be considered for the award of the
   contract will be notified before the awarding of the contract pursuant
   to Section 134 GWB. A contract may only be concluded 15 calendar days
   after FAIR has sent out this information. This period is ten calendar
   days when transmission is by fax or email. The period commences on the
   day following the dispatch of the information by FAIR. After this time
   period has expired, an award is possible even if a time limit pursuant
   to Section 160 (3) GWB has yet to expire. Therefore, in order to
   prevent an award, a request for review needs to have been served upon
   FAIR by the public procurement tribunal before the expiry of the time
   limit under Section 134 GWB.
   Pursuant to Section 135 (1) and (2) GWB, the invalidity of an award can
   only be established if it has been asserted in the review procedure
   within 30 calendar days from the date on which there was notification
   on the conclusion of the agreement, though no later than six months
   after the agreement was concluded. If the Contracting authority
   published the tender notice in the Official Journal of the European
   Union, the time limit for claiming ineffectiveness shall expire 30
   calendar days after the publication of the tender notice in the
   Official Journal of the European Union.
   VI.4.4)Stelle, die Auskünfte über die Einlegung von Rechtsbehelfen
   Offizielle Bezeichnung: Vergabekammer des Bundes
   Postanschrift: Villemomblerstr. 76
   Ort: Bonn
   Postleitzahl: 53123
   Land: Deutschland
   VI.5)Tag der Absendung dieser Bekanntmachung:
   6. mailto:proekf35@gsi.de?subject=TED
   7. http://www.fair-center.de/
   8. https://www.dtvp.de/Satellite/notice/CXS0YYEYRTM/documents
   9. https://satellite.dtvp.de/Satellite/notice/CXS0YYEYRTM
  10. http://www.dtvp.de/Center/
  11. mailto:vk@bundeskartellamt.bund.de?subject=TED
  12. http://www.bundeskartellamt.de/SharedDocs/Kontaktdaten/DE/Vergabekammern.html
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